The Department of Geophysics,
School of the Environment and Earth Sciences
Research interests
My research aims at understanding how earthquakes appear in space and in time. Together with students and colleagues, we document Quaternary to Recent earthquakes, primarily along the Dead Sea Fault, using on-fault and off-fault palaeoseismic and archaeoseismic indicators. These include seismites, damaged archaeological sites, and historical records. In order to constrain the palaeo-earthquake magnitudes, local accelerations, and rupture types, sizes, and locations, we explore the physical processes that govern the formation of various types of seismites. We also use the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) for characterizing soft sediment deformation in seismites and in fault rocks.
I am also interested in the behavior of the Earth’s magnetic field and apply palaeomagnetism to solve tectonic questions. We document the secular variations and reversals in sediments and archaeological sites.
1976-1985 Instructor and Head of the Elat Field School of the Society for the Protection of Nature.
BSc 1985, the Department of Geology, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
MSc 1990, supervised by Hagai Ron, Alan Matthews, Michael Beyth, and Oded Navon at the Institute of Earth Sciences, The Hebrew University.
PhD 1997, supervised by Amotz Agnon and Hagai Ron at the Institute of Earth Sciences, Hebrew U.
1994-2000 researcher at the Geological Survey of Israel,
Since 2000 at the Department of Geophysics, Tel Aviv University.
Since 2013 Full Professor,
2013-2016 Head of the Department of Geophysics.
2016-2021 Head of the Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences.
2018-2021 Head of the Interuniversity Institute board of directors.
1989 The HUJI Institute of Earth Sciences Teddy Dicker Award.
1991 The Geological Society of Israel Peretz Grader Award.
2007 The Geological Society of Israel Raffi Freund Award.
2017 TAU Rector's Teaching Excellence Award.
2020 Nebenzahl and Grossberg Chair in Geodynamics.